Sunday, July 13, 2014

Packing for home

Well, It's hot. Not just ew! is that sweat?! But like you can't even cross your legs with out slipping from the pool! Its attractive, I know.

So with all that in mind, I'm packing... Yeh, not the smartest move... But it has to be done. My mommy is going to be here this Saturday and I want most of the packing done so it is easier to put in storage, and not that much for her to do. Then the week she is here we can do fun Montana stuff before we go back to Washington. I will be leaving Fri July 25th. So close...

I know i'm missed because the calls from my little sister have gone from once every two weeks or so to everyday, if not twice a day! She is so cute... I answer and we just have awkward silences.

Kayla- "Hi"
Me- "Hi, whats up?"
Kayla- "Nothing"
Me- "oh, ok"
Me- "..........."
Me-"So did you have anything you want to talk about"
Kayla- "No, I miss you"
Me- " I miss you too, but if you wanna chat, you can text me. I'm at work."
Kayla- " But I wanna hear your voice, I miss you!"
Me- "I miss you too"
Kayla- ".............."
Me- "................"
Kayla ".............."
Me- "So I'll talk to you later, love you, bye!"
Kayla- "Love you too, bye Lizzie."

Seriously this is how it goes everyday! She is soo adorable and I miss her so much!
I will be home soon and I will be able to see my friends and relax before Ireland!

My Bucket List for Washington:

  • Go Camping!
  • Go to the Lake!
  • Go to the Ocean!
  • Go to Pikes Place!
  • Hang out with friends! 
  • See Yola!
  • Then go to the ocean again! 
No particular order but I want to do all these things with family and friends!

Can't Wait!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Kept my Kidney and Going to Dublin!

Today is the day I bought my tickets to Dublin. Like no biggy... Just going to Dublin. I think I'm leaving on the 14th of September, maybe. Then after a short while in Paris I shall arrive in Dublin. The time I'm coming back to the states eludes me. It might be somewhere around Christmas Eve. I shant think about it, it's no biggy.

WHATEVER!! I'm going to Dublin and this is sooooo exciting!! But I really am going to be leaving on Sept 14th and returning Christmas Eve! THIS  IS  SO  EXCITING!!!