Friday, December 19, 2014

So Part 2 might come later... maaaybe

HAHA I just realized how long it truly has been since I have posted on here. I really hope you weren't checking in everyday waiting for part two. I'm so sorry. I feel like a terrible person.

A lot has happened over the last few weeks, but what is important is what has happened the last few days and the upcoming few.

I am coming home!

To Washington, not Montana, yet. I only have 4 more days left in Ireland! I am trying to make the most of it and do a lot of fun things to remember this wonderful country. My two Irish housemates left today. It was really emotional.

Let me start from Monday!

Monday was when Maynooth University celebrated Christmas Day. Which is pretty much a party from 10am to 5am (the next morning). It is supposed to be just in the venue (bar) on campus, but sometimes (all the time) spreads into town. This year they went all out on security and wrote probably 8 emails leading up to the day telling everyone the rules and what is expected of them. Of course it didn't go the way they wanted, but they get an A for effort. I had an amazing time hanging out with my friends and playing Phase 10!


I got my housemates addicted to Phase 10! I taught them how to play and now they can't get enough of it! I'm being the coolest person in the world and leaving my deck with them. I told ye I have a hundred more at home!

End Interlude

By Tues/Wed my roommates boyfriend had planned a secret birthday dinner for the whole house to come and celebrate in Dublin. It was all extremely hush hush, so naturally I halfway spilled the beans. Not about the surprise but that we were in a group chat on Facebook without her. It was an honest mistake! I just wanted to share a joke with her that one of the boys had said and she said 'where did he say that?' And me being me said in the group chat. Not remembering she wasn't in it. SEE honest mistake. She beat me up about it and I took one for the team but she was still genuinely surprised when she got to the restaurant Thurs night and saw the whole house there!

So Thursday night was our Secret Santa gift exchange/21st Birthday Party/and Last House night out together/Family Meal. It was a blast! By the time we got home and all changed into our PJ's we were ready to play Phase 10. Everyone thought that was the best way to spend our last night together. Patrick and Jack (the two Irish boys) were planning on taking early trains home. Virginia and I knew that we would not be off to see them go so we said good bye after the game and left it at that. Not wanting to get too emotional.

This morning when I woke up expecting them to be gone and I walk in the kitchen and there is Jack! I told him that wasn't fair! We all said goodbye last night and now it would be too hard! He told me Patrick was still there too. I didn't see him for a few more hours and when I did I told him the same thing. I really am going to miss them. They were two of the best housemates I have ever had! I did record about 30 mins of us just talking and playing Phase 10 so I will get the chance to hear their AWESOME accents again. But it won't be the same. They are both fun and quirky and a blast to make fun of! We shot a lot of friendly banter back and forth over the semester that I hope won't be forgotten. We all still have a Facebook group chat that we can talk to each other on. Mainly because Virginia and I want to know who is moving into our room! I really hope it is two more girls to keep the apt clean. The boys will get kicked out for sure if it is going to be two more boys!

Alas, Virginia and I both got a hug from the boys before they left for real and Jack even wrote us each a note that I knew I couldn't read then. I have now and I did tear up, he put a few tissues with it next to the P.S. note that said 'just in case you get emotional' AWWWW I did.

I am now finishing laundry and getting organized so that I can start packing over the weekend. My departure is drawing nearer and nearer I can't help feeling sad but also extremely excited to see my dog! I will be home at noon on Christmas Eve! I'll have just enough time to wrap all my gifts, do some holiday decorating, cooking and eating ;) and catching up before spending an amazing Christmas Day with my family!

Can't wait!