Thursday, August 28, 2014

Got a Room

I feel like a total failure. I tell myself I am going to do something and then turn around and absolutely forget and never do it! I told myself that I was going to write a blog and keep that blog, but here I am weeks, nay, Months later finally writing again. Sheesh.

Well, the last time I wrote I was packing to leave Montana. That was an event. First my mom flies in and we catch up and celebrate my birthday. Then we decide that I might need a storage unit to put all my stuff in. So we call around and finally find one, and it was the last one!

We probably spend more time on campus talking to the wonderful ladies in the financial aid office than actually packing. Just FYI, study abroad is not cheap. There are many choices in life, and I made the choice to go into maaaando debt AND probably have the greatest experience of my life in Ireland. I think I can live with that decision. That is what's important.

The day mom and I flew back to Washington was one of the most stressful days I have ever had in Montana, and I did a year in Architecture! Which is saying something. On the other hand, I did it all to myself. I got worried and stressed over the tiniest of details. I tried to formulate our schedule down to the millisecond and all for nothing! We ended up being early for the flight. Got in a game of Bananagrams at the gate! I freaked myself out and got an unset stomach just from all the excitement and stress of moving. Jeeze just picture me doing it in the big times, like after I'm married with 2.5 kids and a dog.

So we got home alright. Not much turbulence or traffic on the drive home from Sea-Tac. I'm treating my time in washington like what it really is for me. A Vacation. I'm sleeping in til the afternoon, I'm saying up til all hours of the morning and I'm eating what ever is left on the stove. Ahhhhhhh so nice to be on vaca! I went to a few dr's, one to make sure I can go overseas, one to put new spikes on my teeth for my braces, and one to make sure I can see. I have seen a few friends since I have been here. But alas everyone is growing up and going off to school themselves.

Last night I got my room assignment all figured out. I decided I didn't want to pay $3000+ for a room of my own with an en-suite bath, so I downgraded to a $1500+ shared room. It is in an apartment with 4 rooms, 1 shared and 3 singles, and 2 shared baths, kitchen and living space. I'm getting more and more excited about the trip. I'm trying not to think about it that often because my stomach will start hurting and I'll get all stressed... It is getting closer!!


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